Cardio and Ripped Abs Why So Important To You? A great way to get you back on track to…
Cardio and Ripped Abs Why So Important To You? A great way to get you back on track to…
Obesity is the second leading cause of death after smoking. It is associated with an increased mortality rate of…
Believe it or not, losing a little or a lot of fat involves pretty much the same concept –…
I have tried almost everything and spent countless dollars in the bid to lose my man boobs and gets…
So you’ve been exercising regularly, and cutting back on your calories to meet your weight loss goals. Everything is…
If diet and weight are as important to health and wellbeing as experts believe, American men need to make…
There are a lot of people that do a lot of exercises and hard work, but they don’t see any results. Let’s talk about what’s going on. 1. Don’t Eat fast Our brain needs time to know that our stomach is already full. If you eat without stopping, this signal get too late to your brain, and your organism will have more than the necessary. Next time, try this drill during your next meal. On every bite,…
The biggest problem we face in America today is not terrorism, it is obesity. This is according to Dr. Julie Gerberding, head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in America. And it seems much of this problem is happening in a slow and creeping way, through gradual young and middle-aged adult weight gain, over very long periods of time. On the average, a typical American adult gains at least two pounds per year over his…
With some obese men, gastric bypass surgery may seem like the only option. This surgery is expensive, risky and doesn’t always work. It should be approached as a last option only after you have explored other ways to lose weight. Some people believe that Obese men eat all the wrong foods. This is certainly true for some people but often the underlying diet may be ok but the portion size i.e. quantity of food consumed is wrong.…
It’s a fact – In this day and age, more of us are overweight than underweight. Everyone seems to be on a diet or weight loss program. The problem with diets is most people see them as a temporary thing they need to do to get them where they want to be. We constantly hear things like “Bob lost 20 pounds in one month on the Super-Spectacular diet”. Sounds great, but what happened to Bob when he…